As the labor of love of a former booking agent, Folk All Y'all gives 100% of ticket or donation revenue for each show to the artists performing to help them cover gas, food, motels, truck stop showers, et cetera. Above all else, we're here to help musicians make a living, but in a near-tie for first priority is making sure our guests have amazing experiences.

Since 2014, we've been hosting stunningly talented singer-songwriters who, in most cases, would not have taken the chance to play Memphis, because as you might imagine, it can be exceptionally difficult to share thoughtful, literary, innovative work to a bunch of strangers in a noisy room. We give them an alternative — a respectful, appreciative community — and the response from both artists and audiences has been overwhelmingly positive.

If you'd like to help support what we do AND get access to exclusive show extras and swag, good news! You can do that by becoming a patron. Starting at just $2 per show, you can get more from each show plus help them happen in the first place.

(If that's too much of a commitment, you can also sponsor a specific show, or make a one-time donation through PayPal or Venmo .)


Lesley Adkins

Melissa Anderson-Sweazy

Mollie Baker

Eric Barnes

Thonda B Barnes

David Benton

Billsville House Concerts

Rob and Ann Blakely

Don Bowsher

Amanda Brewer-Thompson

Leonie Buckley

Mary & Greg Brown

Kelly Buckles

Andy Cates

John Chambliss

Nancy Chase

Stephanie & Chip Chockley

Andrea Christianson

Carolyn Clements

Cindy Cogbill

Julia Crookston

Jes Crownover

Jenny Davis

Justin Deere

Amie Dorsey

Davia and John Downey

Doug, Kristen and Henry Duncan

Tiffany Ford

Hugh Fraser

Andrew Frye

Sue and Frank Guarino

Jennifer and Mandy Gillion

Abbie Gordon

Cara Greenstein

Chas Harris

Laura Harris

Jay Healy

Jeffrey Heath

Chris Herrington

Kristi Howell & Chad Swihart

A C Isham

Jennifer Iverson

Sue Jewell

Rebecca Leber-Gottberg

Christiana Leibovich

Chris Lucas

Lilia Mitchell

Jimmy Lewis & Patti Newsom

Morgan McAndrews

James McMurry

Margot McNeeley & Gary Backaus

Courtney Miller Santo

Lilia Mitchell

Sarah Morgan

David Olds

Dave Owens

Lauren Owens Temiyakarn

Sara Peter

Mary Petrinjak

Sean & Marisa Phipps

Leslie Portis

Angiline Powell

John Reed

Robby Reeves

David Richardson

Todd Richardson

Bill Robertson

Heather Robertson

Tom Roehm

Brett Roler

Mike & Aven Russell

Ronny & Susan Russell

Martha Saab


Michelle J. Sorenson

Ken & Sue Strong

Sara Studdard

Meghan Stuthard

Wendy Sumner-Winter

Jake Tempchin

Hélène Tournu

Darla Trent Mancini

Miriam van Mersbergen

Melissa Whitby

Thomas Whitehead

Kyle Wild

Jessica Wilson

Larissa Wohl