"Leaving Home In The Back Of Your Mind"

"Flying high down the coastRunning down your daddy's ghostLiving on the leaving sideLeaving home in the back of your mindSomewhere, maybe CarolinaThere's a light that you've been looking forSomewhere the memories can unwindSomewhere, maybe CarolinaFollow it down that east coast lineFind some way to ease your wandering mind"- "Somewhere, Maybe Carolina," Brian Pounds

I first met Brian Pounds like a lot of you did: on the television. But I then had the great good luck to re-meet him in person at Memphis House Concerts about a year back, when both that series and this one were going through big transitions. Jimbo and Susan graciously handed off the listening room torch that they'd carried for a decade, and along with their support and mailing list, I got a few of their most beloved artists as well. It was an honor to bring Brian back to Memphis during what is once again a turning point for Folk All Y'all. But more on that in a bit ...We promoted the December show as holidayish, which in our terms means evoking the hope and despair and love and loss of the season without having to get all sleigh-belly about it. We lit up a tree and some candles and spent an evening reflecting on the roads that led us here.Considering his own merch is emblazoned with the straight-forward statement, "BRIAN POUNDS MAKES ME SAD," it's not telling any tales to say that Brian's work tends to dwell in painful realities. But the artistry and honesty with which he shares those universal experiences enable his songs to bring the light of human connection to life's dark moments.And of course, there's plenty of bright side, too. A loving husband and father, Brian derives joy and inspiration from his family. He touchingly recounted the difficult early days with his preemie daughter and the eye-opening transition from sustaining a child to truly raising one.A mid-week show smack-dab in the middle of the holiday frenzy might not have been ideal timing, but Brian connected with every member of our audience and gave us a welcome respite in the midst of these turbulent days.Considering he marked the transition of Memphis House Concerts, it was fitting to have Brian with us as we had our last show of 2018 and venture out of 11 West Huling for the new year.We had a truly wonderful year, filled with unforgettable moments with old friends and new favorites. 2019 will see us reach five years and 50 shows - the 51st is already on the books - and as always, we're growing and adapting to keep our unique model humming along. We're exploring all sorts of new opportunities and partnerships, but at the heart of what we do are the people who believe in our mission: to sustain a vibrant live music community by enabling musicians to make a living. Our patrons make all of this possible, and now more than ever, we ask you to join us. 


"Hashtag The Americana Dream"


Brian Pounds: 12.19.18